Do you ever stop to think how fortunate you are? Now, imagine if you had been burned over 100% of your body at nine years old…and that you were able to live a life of gratitude that inspires everyone around you?
This is living On Fire. John O’Leary is a man whose story inspires all the best in us. He has chosen to inspire others with his gratitude versus regretting his challenges or feeling sorry for himself. The keys to what John calls “living a radically inspired life” include these seven choices we must make:
- Leave entitlement behind and realize it is up to you to make the changes in your life.
- Own your own story and be willing to live life honestly.
- Choose to go “all in” each day with purpose greater than yourself.
- Deliberately view life, the good and the bad, as a gift.
- Refuse to stagnate by purposefully growing and stretching in every area of your life.
- Choose to pursue significance instead of success.
- Let go of fear and lead and live in a place of unconditional love.
My “stories” are nearly always original, but it is very rare that I am moved this much by an author and speaker, so I am proudly compelled to share John’s work. He is a truly inspired speaker, so after getting his book, please consider him for a special keynote address.
I’ll close with John’s admonition to encourage us all: “We possess the ability and opportunity to positively and permanently effect change around us – simple action and ordinary people change the world.”
Thanks for sharing time with me; as always, I welcome your feedback. Please feel free to pass this message along to others who may find value.