McDermott + Bull Executive Network

Accelerate your search and expand your network with our free online tools and resources.

Our Network

The McDermott + Bull Executive Network (EN) is a community of established executives who are here for you at any stage of your career. Committed to enhancing the development of senior-level executives through valuable resources and networking opportunities, the EN offers access to a membership of qualified professionals seeking to expand their knowledge, contacts, and reach across North America and Europe.


Join us for monthly Office Hours with Denae Bluethmann, SVP of Recruiting + Development at McDermott + Bull, and participate in exclusive, function-specific roundtables, all complimentary for our members.


Connect with over 8,000 senior-level executive members across all major industries and functional roles, with representation from North America and Europe.


Access free online outplacement services via Intoo, connect with thousands of executives through our private LinkedIn group, and explore opportunities with McDermott + Bull Interim Leaders.

Apply to be a Member

Please read the below membership criteria prior to applying.

+      TITLE

Applicants current or most recent title should match the level of experience and/or the responsibilities of the below list.

a. Any C-Suite title (CEO, CFO, COO, CTO, etc.)

b. President

c. Senior Vice President

d. Vice President


We accept members with experience in all functional areas. The below functions have a larger presence within our current membership pool.

a. Human Resources

b. Finance

c. Executive Leadership (i.e. CEO or COO)


Prospective members should have experience with a mid-market to enterprise level company.

North America Application

If you currently reside in North America, please apply here:

Europe Application

If you currently reside in Europe, please apply here:

Our Team

Denae Bluethmann


SVP, Recruiting + Development

Denae is responsible for expanding the firm into new markets — including the recruitment, training, and development of managing directors — and leading the firm’s LEAN initiatives.

Toni Forsythe


Marketing Coordinator

Toni works collaboratively with the marketing team to provide administrative, design, and social media support for the organization. She also manages event registration and member communication for the Executive Network.

Kristin Fahrenfort


Senior Manager, Marketing + Events

Kristin handles firm-wide and practice-specific marketing efforts, as well as planning, promoting, and producing events for the McDermott + Bull Executive Network.

Sponsors + Partners

Thank you to our valued sponsors and partners whose support allows us to help thousands of executives each year.
Continuum Consulting Group
Interested in Partnering with the McDermott + Bull Executive Network? Please contact Denae Bluethmann, SVP of Recruiting + Development at