McDermott + Bull has successfully placed Tammy Hicklin-Estabrook as Vice President of Sales at Nuance Medical. Tammy will be responsible for driving commercial growth and success by establishing multi-faceted sales strategies and leading a high-performing hybrid sales team.
Tammy is a passionate clinical sales leader with a proven track record of success driving commercial growth of medical devices in new markets and developing strong, diverse teams. She earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Montana and a master’s degree in health administration from the University of Bellevue.
Nuance Medical designs, develops, and markets medical devices – including portable cryotherapy, topical anesthetic sprays, silicone scar management, and other medical device solutions – to over 25,000 end-user locations across the United States with growing global distribution networks.
This executive search was completed by McDermott + Bull Managing Partner Paul Gibbons, Partner Ken Dropiewski, Senior Consultant Brittany Stansfield, and Research Associate Alina Ivanets.
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