The Company


Industry: Medical Spa


Entity Type: Private Equity-Backed


Operating Region: West Coast


Size: $50M


The previous CFO departed, leaving the CEO to manage the financial responsibilities and duties of the business. They needed an interim CFO to offload these tasks, manage the company’s finances and accounting, focus on process implementation and improvement, and oversee board relations.

The Solution

The interim CFO brought experience rebuilding finance teams and cultivating positive internal partnerships in a PE-backed, multisite, medical spa. This individual also possessed Big 4 accounting experience, with a reputable history as a change agent enabling companies to scale for growth, streamline operations, and maximize bottom-line performance.


The interim leader quickly took on critical tasks and responsibilities, allowing the CEO to focus on higher-level strategic matters and decision-making. The consultant ensured a successful board meeting by getting the budget approved and the board deck prepared and distributed ahead of schedule.

Secured Bank Financing

The interim CFO successfully secured bank financing and began negotiating a Letter of Credit (LOC).

Updated the Cashflow Forecast

They updated the cashflow forecast to eliminate plugs and gained buy-in from the Controller.


Managed Transition to New Audit Firm

The consultant led the successful closing of the year-end financials and managed the transition to a new audit firm.

James Hickey Headshot

James Hickey
Senior Managing Director, McDermott + Bull Interim Leaders

James Hickey serves as a Senior Managing Director for McDermott + Bull Interim Leaders, helping companies with mission-critical needs for talented executives during key points in their life cycle. He also works closely with Private Equity Groups to help their portfolio companies when there are gaps in leadership or to provide additional support to the team during critical transactions.