McDermott + Bull has successfully placed Candida Hierro as Vice President of Human Resources at Comunilife. In her new role, Candida’s major areas of responsibility will include staffing, retention, employee relations, compensation, and benefits. She will also be responsible for developing policies and procedures to provide consistency across all programs and departments.
Prior to joining Comunilife, Candida served as the Human Resources Director at the Puerto Rican Family Institute, scaling a team and leading initiatives around employee recognition and DEI during a period of significant growth. She also served as Human Resources Manager with Acacia Network and spent her early career in real estate investment managing large teams. Candida earned her BBA from Baruch College and her master’s degree in labor and industrial relations from the Zicklin School of Business.
For over 30 years, Comunilife has been committed to improving the quality of life and creating a healthier tomorrow for New Yorkers with special needs in the Hispanic and broader communities, by providing culturally competent health and human services as well as a continuum of affordable and supportive housing.
This executive search was completed by McDermott + Bull Partner Sue Waterbury, Senior Executive Recruiter Allison Cox, and Senior Research Associate Josh Nichols.
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