McDermott + Bull has successfully placed Cassidy Drilling as Vice President of Finance at Aqualung Group, North America. Cassidy will provide strong financial leadership, guidance, and discipline to divisional leaders and their support staff. She will strategically support the planning of business and operational endeavors to maximize opportunities and minimize risk. Cassidy will be responsible for maintaining a collaborative environment designed to foster open communication between group headquarters, divisional leaders, and the finance department, generating healthy discussions around driving change, becoming more efficient, resolving issues, and achieving strategic objectives.
Cassidy most recently served as the Head of Finance at Perfect Bar, where she led financial planning and analysis, accounting, human resources, business systems, and financial reporting and controls. Prior, she served in multiple finance roles at Highmark Inc. and Dick’s Sporting Goods. Cassidy earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration with an emphasis in managerial economics from Bethany College and an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh.
Founded in 1943, Aqualung Group, North America is one of seven global brands within the Aqualung Group brand portfolio. As the leading global designer and manufacturer of dive, swim, and water sports gear, the organization’s products are now available in more than 100 countries around the world. Aqualung Group is the industry-leading specialist of best-in-class solutions for military and professional missions in any water environment, providing equipment dedicated to maritime military operations, emergency breathing activities, and more through its Military Professional division.
Montagu is a United Kingdom-based private investment firm with approximately $10 billion in assets under management, over 130 employees, and five offices globally. It is a performance-driven organization committed to driving growth in its partnership with management teams. Montagu acquired Aqualung in 2016, committing to support the implementation of the “Ascend Program,” a dynamic offering that will develop digital usage, establish world-class operations, and help the organization adapt to sustain growth.
This executive search was completed by McDermott + Bull Co-Founder and Managing Partner Chris Bull, Directors Anne Terry and Brian Selvey, and Research Associate Chase Mitchell.
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