McDermott + Bull has successfully placed Garrett Kiesle as President + Chief Operating Officer at Shalby Advanced Technologies Inc. (SAT). Garrett will help drive the organization’s commercial execution and expansion nationally and internationally. He will be the face of all American operations, working directly with the chairman and vice chairman to ensure goals are met based on the direction established in strategic plans.
With over 25 years of experience in the orthopedic implants and robotics industries, Garrett’s business expertise will enable SAT to successfully position itself as a significant player in the implants business.
Located in Northern California, Shalby Advanced Technologies provides proven and reliable total joint implants and instruments to the global market. With more than 28 years of orthopedic design and manufacturing experience, SAT is dedicated to creating one team, focused on restoring mobility and improving lives across the world.
This executive search was completed by McDermott + Bull Partner Ken Dropiewski, Director Shelby Varon, Senior Executive Recruiter Allison Cox, and Research Associate Michael Matranga.
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